
Our subtle bodies. Part1. Subconscious

Started by Admin, 2016 January 29 , 01:47:20

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Our subtle bodies. Part1. Subconscious.

the physical body that acts as the basis, the platform for all levels of consciousness to become the way they are. One might want to think differently, but this is a fact. And a fact is the most stubborn thing in the world. You identify your physical body not just by seeing its reflection in a mirror. You feel it, too. It is precisely the sensations of the physical body that are called the Etheric body. It is the world of sensations. And it is the physiology of your body - the way it acts and functions – that to a large degree determines your sensations.

What is this Etheric body and where is it located?
The Etheric body is the first subtle body after the "dense" physical one. The Etheric body is connected to it and is dependent on it. In order to be convinced of the connection between the Etheric and Physical bodies, it is enough to remember your sensations when you were sick, for example. What sensations did you have? Practically, no sensations. Fatigue, apathy, and no desire to interact with the surrounding reality. When in this state, what one wants is to turn off the phone, close the blinds and reduce the number of contacts to a necessary minimum. On the contrary, when the body is healthy, one craves bright sunlight, movement, and conversation.
This demonstrates that sensations play an important role basically determining one's ability to move, change, and simply live.
The Etheric body exists as the effect or consequence of the functioning physical body. The cells in our bodies die off and are reborn every minute. Blood is flowing in the veins, and the heart is beating. The lungs are breathing, and the nervous system regulates the process like a central computer. It also accepts input from the outside world through the sensory network: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste. The more sensitive the human body is to the outside influences, the greater the workload dealt with by the nervous system, the greater the energy released by this holistic and well-oiled "operation" that is the human physical body.
This entire wondrous, well-oiled, universal, self- regulating and self-sustaining system works day and night solely for the purpose of pumping out clean, saturated energy and sending it to the Etheric body. Thereby offloading it into the "body of sensations" just like finished products are stored at a warehouse. There, they have their own form of quality control (QC), of course, that either accepts or refuses energy according to its own "special" instructions, which we will touch upon later.
The Etheric body accumulates this energy. It thickens and condenses it; it packages this energy and adds on special markings. And all of this just to guarantee the existence of consciousness: the organ of the highest power, the organ that makes the decisions, the organ that justifies actions.
An indicator of a functioning factory is the product it releases. When a factory produces products it is an indicator that its functioning. The indicator that a physical body is working, is the sensations it feels.
As you remember, for people who live unequivocally in the First Dimension, it is precisely the sensations that serve as criteria for evaluating the quality of life: if I am sensing it, then it means that I exist.

The Etheric body reflects the state of health of the physical body, and it simultaneously determines it.
Thanks to its sensations, your body secures its safety and supports health. And as unpleasant as pain may be, it is important for maintaining the stable functioning of the entire organism. If the painful response to trauma is absent, then the offending agent can become so intense that the damage becomes incompatible with life. A decreased sensitivity is dangerous for one's health.

Thus, by increasing the sensitivity of the physical body, your consciousness may obtain a more attentive and professional controller that will not miss anything important or significant and will be able to kickstart all processes for recovery on time, give the command to eliminate the damage and quickly, almost unnoticeably, restore the entire system. As we know, professionals do not generally publish and parade their skills, but quietly do the job so that it seems that everything in their domain functions of its own accord.
A question might arise: "Why doesn't the human body induce all these mechanisms in a natural way?" Why do people suffer from diseases that neither they nor the medical professionals can deal with? If the human body is so intelligent, then why does it get sick? All these questions have answers.
We know that a factory operates well if it has an adequate administration. But the task of the administration does not include working on the factory floor. But rather building the right team, educating professionals and taking care of all the staff members. Especially the good specialists - they need to be brought up, educated, taught, motivated, and encouraged. All of this applies to your organism as well. If the system of quality control is suitably evolved and no resources or effort are spared in developing the sensitivity of the body, then a timely reaction from the quality control centre will regulate problems even before they appear.

This control in your body and consciousness is manifested by a mechanism that detects degrees of safety and danger in physical existence. This mechanism is called emotion.
Human Emotions are simple and primitive, and one should not confuse emotions with feelings.
A feeling is a sophisticated experience that is prolonged in time. You may be very familiar with such feelings as pride, love, respect, personal dignity, independence, etc. They are built upon emotions, but are not the same thing.
Emotions, in turn, are short-lived. Usually, when you describe your emotion, you apply a modifier to it, specifying whether you are experiencing a negative emotion or a positive one.
Negative emotions signal danger, while the positive ones signal safety. First of all, they signal the physical safety of the person.

That is what quality control is, the controller who, by receiving signals sent out by the physical body, automatically determines whether things are alright in the organism or not. Vigilance and the "professionalism" of this controller guarantees timely help and support for all the body's physiological mechanisms.
Thus, the efficiency of your physiology is determined by the degree of the body's sensitivity and emotional freedom. Emotions however, despite their simplicity, are a very large part of consciousness. And if we continue our analogy with a factory, then the system of control, which is performed by the area of emotions, can malfunction just like any employee of the factory who is also just a human being who may be out of shape in some way. That person may, say, have a toothache or he may be inattentive, or in a bad mood due to a fight with his wife, or maybe he doesn't get along with his co-workers. A person who is experiencing negative emotions cannot focus, cannot concentrate on the
task at hand.

In human consciousness, everything happens in the same way: if you are experiencing negative emotions for an extended period of time, they may evolve into feelings. Such feelings do not make life better. Hate, guilt, self-pity, apathy, sadness, irritation - all of these, akin to an emotionally ill employee from the system of control, make a person incapable of being attentive to his or her sensations, which sometimes leads to catastrophic consequences in the functioning of the entire organism.

The control system that monitors consciousness through the basic emotions is called the Astral body.
For the successful functioning of the organism (as for the normal functioning of a factory), the Astral body must adequately, meaning correctly, assess the processes of the physical body, specifically from the standpoint of safety or danger. But just like an inattentive or incompetent (untrained) employee may miss information about the malfunctioning of an assembly line, the Astral body may miss information about the onset of a disease. It could distort the information owing to an incorrect evaluation. "Everything is okay" while in reality everything is not okay. Or, on the contrary, the Astral body may initiate panic and hysteria, when there is no justification for such a reaction.

What can be the cause of the Astral body becoming unable to perform its functions? First of all, it is the negative emotions that a person experiences. Should such emotions become permanent for that person (always in the background), emotional fatigue sets in. Just as a tired employee would not be able to work quickly and efficiently in an emergency, in the same manner that same employee's emotional body cannot assess what goes on in the physical body quickly and correctly and is unable to correctly evaluate information which could help solve the problem as quickly as possible.
As you probably already guessed, this system of control cannot exist by itself. It is not the ultimate truth. It exists in relation to an instruction, a description. A healthy Astral body, just like a professional and healthy employee can easily understand descriptions of the world in which the body and consciousness live.

To be continued...

from the book of Ksenia Menshikova "Intricacies of fate or what dimension do you live in?" for the 1st course of the main department of the School.