
Our subtle bodies. Part 3. Supraconscious.

Started by Admin, 2016 January 29 , 03:30:01

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Our subtle bodies. Part 3. Supraconscious.

Last time we talked about our mental body - a huge library run by a strict librarian.
The librarian has a relatively unfamiliar name - Causal. And his home is the Causal body. The word 'cause' derives from the Greek word "causa". It carries this name because in our life it is the one that oversees the cause-and-effect relationships.

However, as you know, your experience did not just appear out of nowhere. It is a consequence of the life that you have lived. And just as a person's experience is formed in a certain environment, the librarian by the name of Causal also lived in a certain family, in a certain country, went to school and took exams in college. Everything he received during his interactions and education served as a foundation for the assessment and choice of information within the four categories: "Allowed, Needed, Accessible, or Interesting".

It is experience that determines what information the consciousness will receive, what action it will perform, what it will say, and where the physical body will go.

Information that is provided by the Mental body not only controls the life-dependent emotional reaction, but it also determines the quality and the distribution of energy in your physical world.
Imagine that your control system is sending a request to the library. It needs to receive information about what action needs to be taken in the real physical world in order for the "factory", the body, to receive more energy, more emotional experiences, more love, more money, better health...
Such a request is called "desire". It is not yet put into
words. For now it is just a transitory yearning – dissatisfaction rules you. You need information about what to do to achieve the energetic balance in your body and consciousness.

A clever and progressive librarian, once having realized that he, for example, does not possess the necessary information, will go searching for it. He may ring a colleague, make a request to access a more complete library, break into classified files – obtaining what is needed by any means necessary.

A responsible and principled librarian will check the shelves marked "Allowed" and "Accessible" and will find what is in stock that more or less matches the request.

A tired and indifferent librarian will look at the request note with annoyance and respond with "information is missing" or "access denied". Or he will not respond to anything at all, throwing the request into the rubbish bin – why strain yourself and take a break from the TV?

How experience reacts to the requests of the emotional (Astral) body will determine the subsequent desires that you send into your mental space to gather knowledge. If your requests get completed instantly and are filled with new, interesting information, then the number of your desires keeps on growing. Your life becomes full of bright experiences and becomes saturated with exciting events. Thus, you are living your own, real, delicious life and not someone else's life in front of the TV.

Alternatively, should your librarian be an unbearable bureaucrat, then all of your desires, yearnings, and experiences risk falling into the trap of resembling "The Man in the Case*". For someone with this type of experience, it is a motto and a norm of life to think "only this way and not in any other way". Eventually, you start forming your desires based on the capabilities and expectations of your librarian. You automatically set aside everything that doesn't correlate with the experience or knowledge that is present.

So does it turn out that the desires of a person are not controlled by their soul or essence, but rather by a significantly limited worldview and poor experience?! Yes, this is what we have; it is what it is. As a rule, people want or desire only that which they know about, have heard of, or suspect the existence of. Never do someone's desires take root in information they do not possess.

Desires, for a human being, are the force that moves one through life, making one get up from a warm couch and rush out into the cold in the search of Lady Luck.

But should your librarian be an old man, tired of life, then all of your desires will go unnoticed due to the tyranny of indifference in your experience. Experience that no longer wants anything but peace. His fatigue and old age have nothing to do with the biological age of its owner. One can become an old man in one's 20s, or preserve the mental spark and vibrancy of character even into one's 80s.
Eventually the control system (Astral body) completely ceases to send its desires anywhere, but simply quenches them with the same indifference. But should the system of control, having received information about a failure in the organism, not react to it in any way, can you imagine what that might lead to? Correct, it will lead to sickness, endless malaise, and ultimately death. This is exactly how a person by THEMSELVES reduces their lifespan.

So what causes our experience to grow old so fast?
What makes it so indifferent and boring? The reason for such an attitude towards your own self lies in the conditions that formed your experiences: where one went to school, where one was born, who one married, etc. One's life journey is determined by the way one's experience was formed.
It is the environment which happened to shape your cultural values, your convictions and principles, that served as the educational foundation and "professional specialization" of your librarian - experience.

Values and convictions that are formed during one's lifetime are the big boss. The Main Boss in fact. And his name is the Buddhic body. In our consciousness, he presides over the concepts of "good" and "bad". He determines what it is that the factory, entrusted to his care, is working for. It is the values and convictions that hide the secret of one's life purpose.

The Buddhic body controls and determines everything in your life. What goals you set out to achieve, what principles exist in your life, how you define what is primary and what is secondary, what is valuable in your life and what isn't.
The Buddhic body establishes the principle for the building of your life. Being the big boss, he must coordinate this principle with the surrounding environment. He must guard you from action and decisions that may be unacceptable in the environment that you live in.

Every supervisor knows how much knowing and complying with the Laws influences the functioning of the organization entrusted to his care. He knows how important it is to build relationships with colleagues. And he knows how serious the consequences may be if one disregards the rules and norms of modern society. A skilled supervisor manoeuvres around these norms, trying to appease both parties. All of this for the sole purpose of having his factory function well, its product in high demand, with employees happy and proud to be part of such an important organization.

The principle of "the boss is always right" is directly related to your Buddhic body, the domain of your values and beliefs. Can you make yourself do what you don't want to? Of course, you can - it is enough to merely say to yourself "I must!" to get over your "I don't want to". It is a whole different story to make yourself do something you think is immoral, obscene; something that destroys your foundational principles in life. It is like going against your supervisor and risking being fired or completely black-listed. The fear of breaking the norms and rules is what sometimes prevents your taking a risk; doing something unethical, that is, from your point of view.

Большой начальник воспитывает твое сознание с детства, практически с пеленок. Это воспитание – культурная среда, в которой ты рос, социальные нормы и «общечеловеческие ценности», религиозное воспитание (если оно было). Это и система образования, и профессия, и семья, и друзья.

The Big Boss brings up your consciousness from infancy, practically from the cradle. This upbringing is the cultural environment in which you grew up; it is social norms and "universally accepted human values"; it is the religious education (if you had one). But this also includes the education system in general, your profession, family, and friends.
When the factory's chief executive officer has risen from the bottom up, going through all the stages of professional development, he knows his domain like the back of his hand. He knows its manufacturing efficiency (health and body), weak spots (fears and insecurities), as well as its mental composition (knowledge). He, too, has done every job there is: the controller, librarian, worker on the factory floor and accountant.
But at times it happens that the boss is an intruder, an outsider. He's been implanted into the director's chair by an even bigger authority. In this case, when overseeing the factory, he is motivated not by the interests of the common folk but by remaining in his own boss's good graces.

In a person's consciousness, as you already understand, everything happens in the same way. If your values and convictions, settings/attitudes and principles, moral and ethical norms originate from the natural development of your consciousness - this is your true supervisor. It knows exactly what your corporation needs. But if the director of your organization is an outsider, then it is quite possible that your desires are actually of no concern to him and he is doing someone else's bidding. Whose?
Look at your life.
Whose destiny are you living out?
Does it look like the destiny of your mum and dad?

Are you going with the flow like thousands, millions of
those like you, or are you paving your own path, the shortest path towards your goal? And do you even have a goal? What do you live for?

The answers to all of these questions are known only to you. Only your "I am", the Soul that lives, can give a firm answer as to why you came into this world.

Your Soul is the owner of your consciousness. It is not the supervisor who decides on the politics of the organization, but the owner. The supervisor is merely the executor of it.
If the owner is strong and willful, if he participates in the work of consciousness directly, then he charts the route through life in the direction his essence yearns for. But in the case of weakness and reservation, the Soul completely loses its rights as the proprietor. It does not get a vote; it does not know what the Big Boss is doing while sitting in the director's chair.

When choosing a profession, building or breaking a family, making a decision about a job or raising children - who is doing all of this? The supervisor or the owner?
When you make a decision regarding an important matter, ask yourself: " Why do I need this?". And if the answer is: "This is how we do things", "It is customary this way" or "This is right" - then it is your big boss, your values and convictions, that are speaking in you at that moment.
The freedom of one's consciousness means complete autonomy of one's Self and one's soul as it relates to building a path in life. "What is accepted" and "What is customary" are merely instruments that you are free to apply when it is deemed necessary for your goal, your mission.

Many, many people live under the tyranny of their Big Boss. He limits their lives with its principles and convictions. He watches over the librarian (experience) to ensure the instructions are followed to a T. It is the Big Boss who is at fault when a consciousness is stuck in a certain Dimension: only one way and no other. Your Self, quiet and inconspicuous, comes out at night on rare occasions to gnaw at you with your unexpressed concerns and unrealized desires. It is then, in the silence of the night when heavy breaths and tears hit the pillow, that your Self timidly slinks into your consciousness. Having found itself in the domain of the old librarian, it will discreetly slip the correct piece of paper under his nose, shuffle books around on the shelves, switching "allowed" to "interesting" or "needed". Having sneaked its way into the desires section, Self signs off "approved" on a yet unsent application. The most courageous Self will even risk infiltrating the office of the Big Boss. But the worst thing he can do is to mess up the papers on his desk, spill ink over the many legal tomes, and spit in the coffee. Fear of the Big Boss won't allow him to do more. But such diversions as a rule won't lead to anything: in the morning shame will eat away at the soul and make it even more silent. Your owner is merely observing what is happening to the consciousness,but what can it do?
The goal of the Big Boss is to survive. The goal of the
Soul is to live. When your owner, your Self begins to understand that life is going south and with every passing day you are moving further and further away from your goals and desires and your dreams are crushed under the weight of reality – what happens then?

Варианта, как ты понимаешь, всего два. Первый, самый печальный, но, увы, и самый распространенный – закрыть глаза на все, махнуть рукой: «Да провались оно...!». Все равно уже ничего не изменишь, да и не хочется, честно говоря.

The options as it happens are two. Option one, the more unfortunate, but sadly the more common, is to close your eyes to everything and throw in the towel, "Screw all of this!". It is too late to change anything anyway, and there's not even a desire, to be honest. But when the soul closes its eyes, the body does the same.

Famously, "a fish rots from the head down". It makes no sense to fire an employee if the boss isn't at all concerned about what the subordinates are doing.
When your Self becomes the sole owner of life, a truly miraculous thing will happen. You will gain entry into the Sixth Dimension. It is called the Atman.

The space of Atman allows access to infinite information about everything that was and that will be. There lies the hidden meaning of your present existence. There lies information about your true life. But only the Soul has access to it.
No Big Boss, let alone experience or desires, can get in there. If the Self becomes the owner of consciousness, and the values and convictions become mere executors and not supervisors, your consciousness gains entry into this treasure trove of unending knowledge. 

The state of absolute freedom that the Soul experiences once it gets there, is indescribable. This state is total unification of the Soul and consciousness, the body and the immaterial, when all of the systems in your life, all energy and information begin to work without impediment towards the aims and goals of your Self. This state is called "I am as I am". It presents you with the most important knowledge - that of your own self. It helps you reassess your life and path, fills you up with wisdom and awakens the will.

Many people, having understood their Path with the help of this state, drastically change their occupation, way of life, and even their worldview, now achieving significant success and fulfilling their talents and dreams.
Consciousness becomes free from the limits of what is allowed. The Soul, your true Self, gains access to many things: achievements, dreams, luck, wealth, and health.

Movement through the courses of the main department at the Menshikova School is a sequential acquaintance with one's subtle bodies. From bottom to top. And also correction of errors in your program at each level of study.

To start moving towards your "I Am".....

Author: Ksenia Menshikova