
The power of Totem

Started by Admin, 2016 January 24 , 19:39:41

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              The power of the Totem

This is an additional lesson that is a part of the 1st course of the main department "Liberation of consciousness". The search for one's totem takes place in  the Etheric Plane — in the realm where the perceptions of all living creatures that exist or live on this planet can be found. Within this realm one can discover not only the energy of humans but that of birds, animals, plants, and even minerals. The world is filled with live vibration; it breathes, pulsates, plays around.

To hear and to sense it means to obtain allies and guardians in the world of the living. They will strengthen your vital beginning manifold; they will protect and help you.

Some time ago our distant predecessors lived in an unbreakable unity with nature.  People didn't only feel it — they knew that everything is woven into one: gods, men, animals — all of it is one in essence. Every bloodline had its own totem — a protector-animal. Later it manifested in heraldic symbols.

Each one of you also has your own ally, your own guardian. One just has to find it, establish a connection, learn to interact with it. As a result of this lesson, you will learn the skill of establishing contact with the common realm. You will also adopt  a personal totem and amplify your intuitive abilities significantly and gain a patron guardian.

This session is most effective if conducted in nature.

Duration: approx. 3 hours.

Admission: 1st Main course. Day 1-4 completed.


This class has enriched other work I have done in this area, and greatly enhanced it. I learned more about totems and some of our allies in the other world, and many new ones emerged for me, in each of the areas/elements. I have a patron guardian, and that was confirmed in this practice.

The thing that stands out for me when I think of totems is 'relationship'. This is where the work lies, this is my work. Now that they have emerged (or at least some of them), to build a relationship with them, to get to know them, to learn how to work with them, how to honor them and respect them, how to embody them. What does having a totem mean in real life, day to day? How do I work with ALL of them? That is the question that now is to be answered.

The only thing that I found strange is that I had trouble connecting to some of them, to knowing if they are connected for me, because I couldn't picture some of them because I was not familiar, didn't know what they were, what they looked like. I also understand that this is a loss of cultural knowledge, and shows our extreme disconnection with nature in this modern age. It's sad to me, that we know more names of corporations than nature and natural elements, that children can recognize and identify more logos than types of trees.


This was my favorite seminar. I had so much fun exploring the different kingdoms of plant, water, air and land creatures. Some results from the seminar:

From the plant kingdom- only grass increased my VR; a note here is that I experienced a language barrier, since I do not know all the tree names in english. When I did not know a tree, I simply focused on images of trees that I know from my surroundings. This might need further exploration, to see if I missed anything.

From the air kingdom - raven

From the animal kingdom - horse, dog, wolf

From the crawling kingdom - I felt the most at home here, when I entered, there was an amazing deep 'rumble' effect/ vibration, going through my whole body. Here I found the snake, the spider and the maggots to increase my VR.

After a primary analysis the common characteristic that stand the most out is that all these creatures are somehow connected to chthonic deities and death/underworld, some either being messengers, others performing a psychopomp function (the horse for example). Other commonalities might also be an ability to work alone, as well as in groups ( in which case loyalty seems to become important - as the case with dogs, wolves and as I have found out from research, also ravens).

Last but not least, the information about the etheric body reacting to images, not words ( words are mental body) was something very important for me to hear, I reacted strongly to it and will keep it with me moving forward. Keeping the mental body in check and not letting it take over through inner dialogue is a constant challenge for me.

Since hearing the information in the course ( EB reacts to images), I started doing something that seems to work well : whenever I catch my mental body trying to start narrating, I visualize a mute button. So far I have gotten good results with this. I will keep experimenting.



I'm focusing on my totem - Bee. I'm diving right now into the research. I remember watching a video from Ksenia Menshikova where she was discussing Bee, and I can't remember everything she said or even when or where I saw this video. I'm sure it's on youtube. Does anyone happen to know which video it is? Could you direct me to it?