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Magic: Questions and Answers

Started by Admin, 2023 December 11 , 19:49:56

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Magic: Questions and Answers

Dear colleagues!

Our school would like to introduce our topic Magic Q&A.
You are welcome to submit your questions down below.

Once a week selected questions will be reviewed and answered by our mentors.

We are looking forward to an interesting discussion.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #1

From Shamanjeanine.

Q: Hello master Ksenia and teachers. I've noticed that I have a peculiar reaction to certain information and statements that authors make. For example - If E. Levi says: "Work in order to possess, and you will be happy"- so speaks the Supreme Justice to man. - "I would possess and enjoy without labor." - " You will then be a robber and will suffer." - "I will rebel." - "You will be broken and will suffer further". - "I will rebel forever". -"Then shall you suffer eternally"... In response to this I noticed myself feel a surge of rebelliousness, not because I don't want to work hard but because - don't tell me what can and can't be done or that I'll be restricted if I don't follow those rules. Even to the point of, "well if I can't change the rules, then keep your money and keep your possessions, just don't impose your reality and rules on me".
Can such reaction reveal to a person which proto-foundations are dominant in him and therefore shed light on what kind of technical task a person has in this incarnation?

A: Greetings, Jeanine!
There is one very dominant value that comes across your question as a red thread. This value is Freedom. It is evidenced by your rebellious nature and an obvious disinclination towards traditional principles and worldviews.But on the other hand,  there is also an internal contradiction. You "have a peculiar reaction" to certain information which implies a specific type of response by your Astral Body. You want to be free but you are being controlled by your emotions. The minute your feelings are involved, you no longer belong to yourself.
The reaction of your Astral Body also suggests the presence of resentment. In your case it is the resentment towards specific information. Ask yourself 'why'? Why did it trigger you? Are there still blockages within your consciousness that don't allow an informational influx? A certain type of information is being dismissed right away.
Try not to resent it, open yourself up to new ideas. Absorb and re-process all of them, and eventually it all will come together and bring you a step closer to understanding your technical task for this reincarnation.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #2

from Ghostabelar

Q: Can one work with Tarot and stay away from the jhvh egregore?
What is the jhvh egregore? Is it the consciousness of the planet like some claim or is it a tribal deity?

A: Yes, it is possible to work with Tarot without having to interact  with the Judaic egregore. Actually, you should try to stay away from it completely. The Abrahamic system is the consequence of the Sephiroth Tree, it is its visible product that found its manifestation in the three religions. The system of reality creation itself is much bigger. The Sephiroth tree represents one of the pathways of reality creation, in which one has the opportunity to get to know his own self as well as the mechanism behind the current reality.

The egregore of Judaism is one of religious egregores at the top of the egregorial system, together with Islam and Christianity. It is the leading aspect of the Sephiroth Tree, and that is why it determines the laws and regulations of the countries where this religion prevails. The egregore of Judaism dictates the moral standards as well as the rules, and defines the premises for  the laws for everyone under it.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #3

from Tautumeitas

Q: How to get rid of fear? I feel that with magicis the same as with my pet - I love him, I can sleep beside him, kiss him knowing he won't do any harm, but if he (pet) makes a sudden move I get scared easily. Same with magic - I am not afraid and still, when unexpected and sudden thighs happen I feel fear.

A: First of all, decide what Magic means to you. Magic is not a pet. It's something much greater. It's a process, system, phenomenon. Philosophy of mind. The person himself. All of it is Magic.

Magic consciousness sees and understands the reasons for everything that was, is, or will be. Try to live one day in the state of full awareness. Highlight with your attention absolutely everything that is happening in the outside world (events, phenomena) as well as your inner world (thoughts, feelings, sensations). Write all of them down in your journal. And by your own example, you will see that every cause has its own effect. The way everything is interconnected. A few more practices like these and you will be convinced that there is no such thing as "sudden movements".

Petr Aberg

Q&A #4

from Shamanjeanine

Q: If a person has access to the flow of wealth but not to the artificial flow of money, and the flow of wealth meets a person's needs.. From where or through what are those needs met? Seeing that we live in the human world, humans (with their various egregores) will always be involved with such "fulfillment of needs". So, would a person then be in debt with an egregore of that person through which that need was met? Or does the fact that the flow of wealth comes from Earth, bypass egregorial involvement? Master Ksenia has frequently mentioned the common element in things... Is it the same in this case? The common element being, Earth, or the shared innate flow that all people are born with, therefore, bypassing egregorial systems?

A: If a person has the right to a current (any current including a monetary one), that means he is being supported by Earth. In this case, there won't be any debt to the egregores. He simply has it. Always. And there can be an endless number of variations when it comes to getting his needs met within this current.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #5

from Ghostabelar

Q: What is Master Ksenia's perspective on the "Uthark" ordering of the runes? I have heard some say it is the hidden secret of the runes but I would like to know the perspective of the runic master.

A: The Futhark and the Uthark carry two different principles. The Futhark says, 'First knowledge, then power'. The Uthark states the opposite, 'First power, then knowledge'. Ancient stones carry the carvings of the Futhark. The primordial essence is considered to be the key.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #6

from Dorothy Lewis

Q: Hello. Would like to hear your opinion. Is there any correlation between fractal geometry (with its fractional dimensions) and our current reality (with its potential multidimensional framework). Thank you.

A: A fractal is a smaller copy of something larger. Each of these elements performs a specific function (being a facet of a larger object), and therefore, has a certain potential of energy and information.
The accumulation of such potentials gives the largest fractal a different energetic and informational characteristic. As a result, an entire kaleidoscope of measures, or dimensions, is created.

One repeats the other but this time with already changed vibrational characteristics. Thus, reality becomes multidimensional. But this is just one of the many forms of the world view. Try to see your own!

Petr Aberg

Q&A #7

from Dorothy Lewis

Q: Hi everyone. I have a question about the infamous Georgia Guidestones. Noone knows who built it and why, and I'm not getting into the endless conspiracy theories here. The question is what was its significance from a magical perspective? And what was the point behind its destruction? Why now and not a year ago, for example? Or not two years later?

A: Greetings Dorothy!
The actual existence of the ten constants (ten commandments) as well as their  mandatory observance is the algorithm of the religious egregore that is manifested in a form of the tablets.

These were the grounds on which the current egregorial world attempted to build the future. But Magic doesn't tolerate limitations. The attempt to carry over the copies of already existing rigid constraints into the future has failed. The egregorial world is collapsing. Everything unnecessary will be destroyed.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #8

from Shamanjeanine

Q: One of the minds that I'm most connected to is Hekate. But even though she is described with 4 faces, she has never presented in such a way to me and I don't sense her 4 aspects separately, but rather indistinguishable from each other. All aspects at the same time.
The fact that I only see her as one-could it mean that I don't have access to experience the other faces/aspects separately or what could other reasons be? And is it necessary to experience them separately?

A: Greetings!
You understood everything correctly. If you don't perceive the four faces separately, this actually means that each separate  face/aspect is not available to you at this moment. What's important, though, is  that you are able to feel this connection with her and are aware of it.  It's just as of now it is manifested the way it can be. But it's not that significant. The separation and work with each one of her faces is to work with  faces/aspects, and  it demands a particular state of consciousness and practice.

Keep practicing. Read mythology. Try to find this Goddess in numerous pantheons. The more you work and see this force, the more it will open up, and all of the four faces will become accessible.

Best of luck!

Petr Aberg

Q&A #9

from low_carb_living_with_summer

Q: What is the difference between a Priestess and a Mage?

A: The consciousness of a mage is able to pass through a large amount of energy-informational currents. A  mage doesn't depend on a particular deity or pantheon.

Unlike a mage, a  priest can't work with several forces simultaneously. As a rule, the priest is a servant to a single god (or a cult). A  priest knows perfectly well that he works for a specific  energy-informational channel and has mastered  the principles of its teaching (the teachings of his deity). When interacting with a person, the priest always asks himself if what he is doing causes good or evil to his own cult or god. The priest thinks the following way, 'what can I do for my god via this particular person'?

A  Mage, on the other hand, has knowledge of all the existing cults, and understands the goal behind the presence of each god in this world. His interactions with the humans are extremely rare. And if it happens, the mage already sees the cause-and-effect relationships  of such interaction, without any moral and ethical guidelines. The mage thinks as follows, 'what would be the sequence of events  if the interaction occurred , and what would be the future if this interaction didn't  take place'. And in order to accomplish this task, the mage calls upon the force that is capable of solving this task quickly and efficiently.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #10

from kimmi_silva369

Q: I am mixed with many different races, more than 4. How am I to know which Deities to connect with or should I try them all and see what sticks?

A: A correctly asked question already contains an answer within it. Try interacting with each of the gods. From different pantheons. Sooner or later the connection with your God will be restored. You won't mistake it for anything else.
Best of luck in your search!

Petr Aberg

Q&A #11

from shamanjeanine

Q: Is breaking a Geis in a dream considered as having broken the geis for real? Understanding that dream-realms are as real as the perceived waking realm. Or is the Geis bound to the realm it was sworn in?

A: A geis works within the reality it has been sworn in. However, if in your dream you see some elements that indicate that the geis is being broken, it is your subconscious telling  you that there are vulnerabilities, weaknesses capable of breaking it. Keep your eyes open!

Petr Aberg

Q&A #12

from shamanjeanine

Q: Would practicing martial arts, like karate, (for the sake of nurturing physical strength and discipline) distort and mutate a consciousness of the northern tradition in the same way adhering to an Eastern religion would?

A: If you practice this technique as a means of  physical activity, then it can only affect the condition of your physical body. If during this process you begin to immerse yourself into the philosophy of a particular Eastern doctrine, then there is  contact at higher informational levels, at the level of the Buddhic body in particular.
The more often such informational interaction occurs, the more likely the information of this teaching, one way or another, will be reflected within your body of values and beliefs. Which, eventually, may cause changes in your consciousness.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #13

from Dorothy Lewis

Q: After watching your YouTube channel I got a question. Question about silence. Everything is a choice, and so is silence. Can a warrior remain silent when facing a difficult decision or question instead of speaking up the truth? What if he chooses to act this way time after time? Would it be considered "a smart move" (to avoid unpleasant situations), or would it be a simple cowardness? Thank you!"

A: A true warrior will never follow a  path that has been laid down by someone else, he will follow his own intention. He will keep on moving towards his  goal. A true warrior always adheres to the traditions and rules of the warrior caste, but never forgets to listen to his own I Am. Both the silence and  word are simply the tools used by a warrior on  his journey.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #14

from shamanjeanine

Q: I was wondering if a person could have specifically been born into a family to ensure that, that specific branch of the bloodline does not continue. And what could the possible reason be for such a task?"

A: In magic, everything is possible. It happens that a  soul's technical task for its reincarnation is to play  the role of an executioner or scavenger. And more precisely, to cut off a rotten branch within the bloodline, which is akin to  mistletoe - it is poisoning the entire system.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #15

from shamanjeanine

Q:"Can part of the reason of why a person is born on Earth as a human have nothing to do with being on Earth or being human? For example, what if part of the purpose of being a human on this Earth is connected to dreams/astral travels from a "human on earth" stance? Make sense? And if yes..  Then why? I feel like I do more and learn more in my Astral travels and "dreaming lives" than I do in this waking life."

A: From a human perspective, yes. It can. But from a magical perspective - no.  The magical task, perhaps, is to extract certain information from the astral plane and channel it into the human world in a way that is accessible to them. Or vice versa, to broadcast from the human world to the other side something that they are lacking.

Petr Aberg

Q&A #16

from ghostabelar

Q: How can someone who has both Ashkenazi and Nordic blood honor the spiritual practices of his ancestors without losing any rights? For a long time I have been hesitant to embrace the Jewish god after hearing associations with its egregore but now I have realized that my ancestors may have earned me certain rights which I may be throwing away. Is it possible to use the rights earned in this system while embracing freedom as a guiding principle or do they have to be totally abandoned?

A: Greetings!
If your ancestors were the adepts of the Abrahamic cult, then all their rights belong to the egregor of that religion. Their teaching reads, 'a man is a servant of God'.
And this means that all of the serf's property belongs to his owner. That is why you should study the history of your relatives in great detail.
You can certainly use such 'ancestral heritage'. Only, will it be freedom? That is for you to decide.


Quote from: Aberg on 2023 December 11 , 19:53:08Q&A #2

from Ghostabelar

Q: Can one work with Tarot and stay away from the jhvh egregore?
What is the jhvh egregore? Is it the consciousness of the planet like some claim or is it a tribal deity?

A: Yes, it is possible to work with Tarot without having to interact  with the Judaic egregore. Actually, you should try to stay away from it completely. The Abrahamic system is the consequence of the Sephiroth Tree, it is its visible product that found its manifestation in the three religions. The system of reality creation itself is much bigger. The Sephiroth tree represents one of the pathways of reality creation, in which one has the opportunity to get to know his own self as well as the mechanism behind the current reality.

The egregore of Judaism is one of religious egregores at the top of the egregorial system, together with Islam and Christianity. It is the leading aspect of the Sephiroth Tree, and that is why it determines the laws and regulations of the countries where this religion prevails. The egregore of Judaism dictates the moral standards as well as the rules, and defines the premises for  the laws for everyone under it.

In the answer to the question is said that "the Sephiroth tree represents one of the pathways of reality creation", does this mean that the Yggdrasil Tree from the Nordic tradition would be another? Is there other examples of this? Thank you!

Petr Aberg

Quote from: BlackSwallowtail on 2024 January 05 , 18:52:24does this mean that the Yggdrasil Tree from the Nordic tradition would be another? Is there other examples of this?
You are absoluyely right.
There are a great number of such systems in our world. Look at the myths of the peoples of the world, and you will find that all the legends mention some kind of the "Tree of life" or "World Tree".

The tree here acts as a basis for the construction of reality, a kind of engine. The various pantheons of gods have nurtured their own tree-systems in this world.

In our school we study in detail those systems that were nurtured within the West European magical tradition: it is the Tree of Sephiroth, which we study at the Tarot department and the Tree of Yggdrasil - at the Department of Runes.

Also within the framework of the course of the General Theory of Magic we study the unified general algorithms of the construction of reality (the rules of nurturing the tree of life) through the 3 circles scheme.


Dear Master Ksenia and Colleagues: I have never been to a haunted house before, but a friend of mine went and as they described their experience to me, I sensed a few things about the experience and would like to understand the magical context for exchange for the participating spirits, the owner of the haunted house, the psychic mediums doing tours, and the people paying to be on these tours. 1. The haunted house experience seems like going to a zoo and observing the "animals" in a simulation of their habitat. Why do the ghosts remain? Are they trapped? Do they stay under terms and conditions of exchange? 2. One male ghost would only pull in women. Why is this? Was he extracting vital life force from them? 3. Who pays the cost of "admission" or exchange, to the ghosts putting on the show? Is it the owner of the haunted house? The psychic mediums guiding the tours? The people who have paid to come and experience what the ghosts want to show them?

Petr Aberg

Greetings, hungrunar77!

Quote from: hugrunar77 on 2024 April 05 , 18:55:38Why do the ghosts remain? Are they trapped? Do they stay under terms and conditions of exchange?
According to the ancient kin traditions of some clans, the erection of a family seat was always carried out through a sacrificial ritual. Previously such victims were always people. Nowadays modern pagans prefer to kill animals: a rooster, ram or sheep, or a cow.
It is believed that the ones who were sacrificed is strongly attached to the place or to the moment his sacrifice was dedicated to.

And it turns out as a kind of consciousness being removed from the general energy-informational space which performs the function of the guardian of this place itself.

But it also happens that a person was very attached to his home that he may have performed there certain rituals (dark magic ritual in particular) or made there a certain vows. Such rituals are always associated with the call of the entities of the land. Their nature is always chthonic. They're children of Mother Earth herself. And her word is always legal. And such deal with chthonic deities tied human consciousness to the certain land/place. That is why his spirit can't get out of this space. As a result (s)he cannot reincarnate. Because the chthonic force itself does not imply reincarnation. It implies a different form of life.
That is why ghosts do not consider themselves dead. It is just another form of life. It lives differently.

Quote from: hugrunar77 on 2024 April 05 , 18:55:382. One male ghost would only pull in women. Why is this? Was he extracting vital life force from them?
Not really. A ghost will make a contact with someone who's easier to eat. The one whose consciousness and in particular the sphere of feelings is more accessible. Those who has a lot of energy and do not keep it safe. And that's women and children. That's why they're more likely to see ghosts than the average man.  And also curious tourists whose focus of attention at the moment of visiting such places (which most often are nothing but profanation) is placed outside their consciousness.

Quote from: hugrunar77 on 2024 April 05 , 18:55:383. Who pays the cost of "admission" or exchange, to the ghosts putting on the show?
Usually the one who is in direct contact.
Due to the fact that the ghost by its nature is an etheric-astral entity, it does not have that superstructure in the form of superconsciousness. And so it will treat a living person not as a person, but as a source of nourishment. Something that has more energy and vital force.

If the medium is a professional, not a charlatan, he will definitely put protection on the owner of the house, and on himself. But whether he will protect curious guests is a good question. Cause business partners from the other side are also entitled to a share :)



Dear Mentors and Colleagues,

After taking the Energetic Damage seminar and learning about the existence of larvae and super-larvae, a question has come up. I'm trying to understand the difference between having a larvae attached to you ( like in the case of addiction) and being sucked in by an elemental egregore. To give context, I'm referring to people who are addicted to the internet, social media, Youtube and so on. Those who lose hours of their time and their energy on these platforms. Are these people giving their energy to a larvae that is attached to them, as is the case with addiction to drugs or is it the egregore of the internet that keeps them locked? Or does it depend case by case?


Also, another quick question regarding energetic damages: I understand superlarvae form in groups of people, particularly when there is alcohol involved ( I'm guessing other drugs work here as well) or when there is a revolt, or riot, revolution, protest, etc. But what about concerts or performances? There are also a large number of people present, they also (often, but not always) consume various substances. But there is also the performer, who gives energy. Is this also a scenario where superlarvae form and feed or is the energy exchange between the crowd and the performer?

Petr Aberg

Quote from: ale_90 on 2024 May 10 , 16:54:32Or does it depend case by case?
Greetings! Yes it does.

Quote from: ale_90 on 2024 May 10 , 16:54:32Are these people giving their energy to a larvae that is attached to them, as is the case with addiction to drugs or is it the egregore of the internet that keeps them locked?
The difference between specially made vampirism (the same case of social media addiction) and a larva lies in the awareness of the actions.
The vampires victim will realize that without giving time to his favorite artist or project (beloved vampire) he will not be able to start his day. And an infected person with larva will unconsciously produce the emotion needed to feed the parasite.

Petr Aberg

Quote from: ale_90 on 2024 May 12 , 13:10:51Is this also a scenario where superlarvae form and feed or is the energy exchange between the crowd and the performer?
A performer is a channel conductor of a certain egregore. Perhaps his own. But this is very rare nowadays. If you carefully study the biography of any artists, it will not be difficult to see that he has sold out himself to a certain system and whose idea he is promoting from the stage. Usually artists are very aligned with the government and religious egregors. So you should start your search from there.

Quote from: ale_90 on 2024 May 12 , 13:10:51Also, another quick question regarding energetic damages: I understand superlarvae form in groups of people, particularly when there is alcohol involved ( I'm guessing other drugs work here as well) or when there is a revolt, or riot, revolution, protest, etc.
You are absolutely right! The tool of connection doesn't matter (alcohol or rigid beliefs) What matters is that the crowd follows the idea.


Good afternoon, I have been attempting to learn about unbaptism from the Abrahamic structures. I was baptized as an infant into protestant Christianity. At a younger I did Vere away from the Church and then Christianity altogether.
I am aware that  is in no way enough to begin resolving any debts or influence by this egorigal structure.
Recently it is as if I can sense a constraint on me from this structure.

The majority of what I can find unbaptism and renunciation seem to be methods and channels through Satanism or Luciferinisim.
 This seems almost contradictory to me as this is still through Abrahamic structures and egorigs.

What is a source or methodology we can approach to remove our connections to the Abrahamic systems; as well to go through this process on our own?

Petr Aberg

Quote from: AstrroWolf on 2024 June 25 , 02:35:18I am aware that  is in no way enough to begin resolving any debts or influence by this egorigal structure.

Well, since there are such thoughts and sensations in your mind then it is appear to be the case

Quote from: AstrroWolf on 2024 June 25 , 02:35:18Recently it is as if I can sense a constraint on me from this structure.
We need to understand that Abrahamic chanels are slave chanels. And Christianity (with all of its parasitic branches including protestantism) is no exception. It does not let out of its palace those who came to it for a song. And since your blood parents brought you to the priest in the church for such a magical ritual absolutely voluntarily, subsequently there is no one to raise a claim.

Quote from: AstrroWolf on 2024 June 25 , 02:35:18The majority of what I can find unbaptism and renunciation seem to be methods and channels through Satanism or Luciferinisim.
 This seems almost contradictory to me as this is still through Abrahamic structures and egorigs.

First of all let us understand the essence of the Baptism ritual.

It is the ritual which register human consciousness in the informational space of christian egregor. And such a registration is accompanied by a "spiritual castration" which deprives a person of the memory: memory of the blood line and the kin (and here christian institution of godparents were created for that very reason) and cutting-off from your own God(dess) i.e. an incarnational memory. As a result after such a ritual you get an absolutely nullified consciousness - a primary program that do not possess any connections & it's existential volume is pertaining to a zero.

Debaptism - is the ritual of removing information about yourself from the database of the Christian egregore. I.e., spiritual death. This way an Egregor has to see that you have died. Due to their own algorithmics such performance  usually take aropund 40days. Thats why most of descriptions that you have found in the net are related to death (and associated with Satanism or Luciferinisim)  But actually I.e. imitation of you own death.

Quote from: AstrroWolf on 2024 June 25 , 02:35:18What is a source or methodology we can approach to remove our connections to the Abrahamic systems; as well to go through this process on our own?
The are thousands of methods and they  are completely different. But their essence is  still the same - breaking ties with your old being. Breaking all those bonds that keep your consciousness on the same level of being with Christianity.

For example: 40 days of starvation, imitation of your own death ( with burying yourself to the ground), going into asceticism, Absolute breaking of ties with all those who are included in this egregore (and these may be relatives, dear to the heart people). Name change. Leaving your clan or kin. Abandonment of the human race and so on.
Therefore, these rituals are extremely energy-consuming and might be quite painful.

If you sense that you tend to perform it the way of individual ritual I may recommend to look for the Mansur's notebooks (they are available throughout the internet, and contain a lot of different debaptism rituals); On slavic lands such methods as  triple debaptism at a crossroad/ on a bridge or in a bathhouse are also quite popular. Maybe you will find something useful there.

But there are also another options - to escape Christianity under the protection of the pagan gods. But for this you must be a weighty unit and possess an existential volume. I.e. to be a warrior. And this means it is necessary to develop youself. Restore your memory: ancestral and incarnational. Increase and develop your energy-information potential. And usually during that process your own force (I AM) prompts, gives you advices,  may send you signs or maybe even provide you with some informational sources and instructions and perhaps sometimes suggests which ritual to choose or how to modify it to yourself.

In our School we teach how to establish and hold the contact with the «I AM» -  that very connection between you and your source of power.  It won't remove the slave collar but It may strengthen you from the inside. It may help you to cope with obligations.

That's why give a question directly to the Christian Egregor (you may visit a church or have a talk to a priest or may focus on you inner world, evoke the image of christianity on your inner screen and have a conversation): What you owe? How much? What exactly to do to clear the debt?

Remember that they have no rights to ignore you questions and they always hear it! But as usual the may twist round with the answer. That's why you ask until you understand. And then fulfill the obligations as a true warrior. This way there is a chance for you to be good for the potential viewpoint of the pagan systems.


Thank you for this elucidating reply.
It seems the best path with require patience and deliberation. I will certainly find the text you reference and continue my study for sometime before stepping into a process for this.
I would like to go through this in a positive way with the pagan deities, so in time it will be clear.
Thank you for your time and wisdom.


How may one be more attuned to "rights", so as to respect the rights of oneself and others? Surely, having more rights than others still means we should conduct ourselves appropriately and not overstep boundaries?--

There seems to be multiple layers to the concept of rights as well? First, in a structural/egregorial sense, but then there is also the layer of a magical sense, that is, not within the realm of egregores, but in the realm of one's existential volume, which I interpret as one's personal level of knowledge and wisdom, and where the consciousness is predominately positioned at (assemblage point)?

Would love to get more clarity on this matter. :)

Petr Aberg


Quote from: solmetts on 2024 August 08 , 11:22:48Surely, having more rights than others still means we should conduct ourselves appropriately and not overstep boundaries?--
You are absolutely right!
The process of forming "true rights" is the key point of the game for the warrior (acquiring the right to possess, acquiring the right to win).

For a laborer or a merchant the right is determined by other properties of the consciousness. But for a warrior it is precisely the impulse of will. This impulse is the potency to acquire any right in life and the knowledge. As long as man is alive, nothing is lost, everything can be achieved.

If there is an impulse of will a warrior will get himself out of slavery and lift himself out of poverty, he will get everything by himself. That would be his own experience. The information potential he's built up on his own. It determines the level of rights.


Hello school and colleagues, I have a question relating to the regina of a bloodline and the Mother Curse. I am the regina of my bloodline, and I have knowledge that a mother in the bloodline has cursed 2 of her children. She does not want them, and would be happy, particularly with her oldest, is he was given away. Is there anything I, as the regina, can do to bless these children? The mother has been resistant for years to changing her attitude to them. She has, as of now, given up on them almost entirely beyond caring for their physical well being.


Hello everyone - I have a question relating to the result of a spell working I've experienced a few times now. I will create the spell using physical components of the elements, connection with and guidance from a goddess (not always the same one) and one or more physical components from my own body. The spell work in this case has always been related to manifesting money. Within a few days after I would have something glass break in the house near me, and I would know the spell was broken. The sense I got was like an electrical circuit popping the fuse. The energy built and powered thru but the container couldn't hold it so it would break. Like a surge in the current that is too much voltage for the designated system. Am I understanding this correctly? If so, do you have any recommendation for how to diagnose the point of failure? How do the current of forces apply when it comes to spell working? For example if I don't have access to the current of money, and initiate a working for money, is that playing in a current I don't have rights to?
I will add that I haven't tried this working since starting the school, but have recently been reflecting on the cause and effects of these experiences, for the purpose of additional experimenting. Thank you for any insights, advice and direction.

Petr Aberg

Quote from: Oakendara on 2024 October 10 , 01:59:22Is there anything I, as the regina, can do to bless these children?
Child protection is your direct Regina's responsibility.

There are several ways to deal with the problem:

1. Knock their bad egg mother senses into her. Your efforts should make her realize her mistake. Afterwards she will have to break the curse and begin to appreciate her children.
2. Find a сaregiver for these children amongst your family members. And assign them a new mom.
3. If the first two options are impossible, become their mother yourself.

Petr Aberg

Quote from: Oakendara on 2024 October 10 , 06:38:40The spell work in this case has always been related to manifesting money
Well, а spell is a program or counter-program, which consists of energy (the power of the elements + your personal energy potential (your personal physical component) + information (verbal description of algorithms of implementation of this very program aimed at a specific result, in your case is money).

Quote from: Oakendara on 2024 October 10 , 06:38:40he sense I got was like an electrical circuit popping the fuse. The energy built and powered thru but the container couldn't hold it so it would break. Like a surge in the current that is too much voltage for the designated system. Am I understanding this correctly?
Yes you are. Such case demonstrates that somewhere in the program of your spell there is a bug. The spell cannot be unpacked by your consciousness, so it is forced to look for applications in the external world, where there is no place for it. As a result it leads to increase of entropy of the space around you and is realized by those effects which you have described.

Quote from: Oakendara on 2024 October 10 , 06:38:40If so, do you have any recommendation for how to diagnose the point of failure?
Therefore, before carrying out any magical work it is always necessary to start with diagnostics of the current state. The task of diagnostics is to determine the true cause of the problem. Where, when, how and under what circumstances this problem has arisen in consciousness.

Diagnostics is carried out with the tools of the magical tradition in which the practitioner works. It can be Tarot cards, oracles, runes, carromancy, pendulum, druidic ways of divination (by stars, whispering wind, clouds, birdsong, etc.), through appealing to spirits (shamanism) or to the dead (through mediums), finally through deep trance immersion into  the I Am as I Am state.

There are variety of causes for problems with money. The most common are:
- fear of money
- a rigid mental construction. There might hide anything under the word "money"
- lack of necessary qualities in consciousness that allow person to fixate on a particular level of wealth and prosperity  (lesson Money-1)
- lack of proper experience and knowledge to control own time
- not competent interaction with society (in particular with government egregor)
- own goal-setting (our goals set the vector and speed of our movement through the life). Are these your goals? Or did someone impose them on you?
- energetic damage (thievery charms or spoilage) etc.

Hence, a specific program (spell) is written under the cause of problem, which will allow the consciousness to acquire certain qualities or conversely get rid of some of them, in order to force mind to attract in the consciousness such an effect as money.